- 3D visualisation, including wireframes, photomontages and perspectives
- Access and recreation audits
- Advice to planning authorities at local, regional and national level
- Arboricultural Implications Assessments (AIA)
- Arboricultural Method Statements (AMS)
- Arboricultural survey
- Artist collaboration
- Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
- Bio-engineering and geo-technical solutions
- Botanical survey
- BREEAM (and Home Quality Mark) ecology assessment
- Building damage from trees and mortgage reports
- Clerk of works: landscape and ecology
- Community forest strategies
- Concept designs, landscape strategies, sketch designs and budget estimates
- Consultation and engagement
- Contract administration and site monitoring (arboriculture, ecology and landscape)
- Cost budget guidance
- Design guides, codes, strategies and planning briefs
- Detailed design for hard landscapes
- Earthworks design and coordination with cut and fill calculations
- Ecohydrology and wetland functioning
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
- Ecological Management Plans (including CEMP)
- Ecological monitoring and management, including for protected species
- Environmental consents coordination
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Environmental management and auditing
- Expert witness at public inquiries, hearings, local plan examination, etc.
- Feasibility studies, development potential and land use planning
- Felling licences
- Forestry, tree and woodland management
- Garden and private estate design
- Graphic design
- Green Belt reviews
- Green infrastructure strategies
- Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRA)
- Habitat surveys (National Vegetation Classification)
- Hard landscape design and specification
- Historic park/landscape development/management strategies
- Integrated land management plans
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA)
- Landscape appraisals
- Landscape capacity and sensitivity studies
- Landscape character assessments
- Landscape designation studies, incl. National Parks, AONBs and local landscape designations
- Landscape management plans, maintenance proposals and monitoring
- Landscape policy and strategy review
- Local plan submissions
- Masterplanning
- Mitigation design and implementation
- Nature conservation advice
- Neighbourhood plan supporting information
- Open space assessments, audits and strategies
- Opportunities and constraints appraisals
- Phase 1 habitat survey
- Planning applications, negotiations and input to planning agreements
- Planting design and specification
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA)
- Protected species surveys and licensing
- Public realm strategies
- Public, statutory and stakeholder consultation, and public exhibitions and engagement
- Public/stakeholder consultation
- Renewable energy assessments and locational capacity studies
- Research and monitoring studies
- Review of planning applications for local authorities (arboriculture, ecology and landscape)
- Roof gardens, terraces and podiums
- Seascape, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (SLVIA)
- Site inspection of works (arboriculture, ecology and landscape)
- Site planning, including location of buildings
- Specifications and tender packages
- Strategic planning studies and input to government policy statements
- SuDS design
- Townscape analysis and appraisal
- Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA)
- TPO applications, reviews, objections and negotiations
- Tree condition surveys and safety audits
- Tree root and specialist tree surveys (incl. air spade and supervised hand excavation)
- Tree strategies for local authorities
- Tree surveys to BS5837:2012
- Tree works specification and contractor selection
- Trees in Conservation Areas
- Urban design frameworks
- Urban greening factor (UGF)
- Veteran Trees
- Vision and concept development
- Woodland management advice
This list is not exhaustive – please contact us if you have an enquiry about a service not listed