Landscape-led Heritage Lottery-funded £4.5m restoration of Ipswich’s premier park, from Stage 2 development of detail design, through the procurement process (using a variety of methods to ensure a cost-effective solution), to onsite contract administration. The commission encompassed research and subsequent re-creation of a number of planting schemes within the park appropriate for the 21st century, including: two arboretums containing re-established ‘collections’ of historic species, a winter garden, a reinterpretation of a 1920s rockery using more sustainable techniques, a roof garden for the new visitor centre, formal entrance planting, and an Edwardian ‘show case’ garden. Other elements included detailed design of railings, a suite of park furniture, a signage strategy and interpretation measures; revitalisation and refurbishment of a number of water bodies (including on-site remediation of arisings), restoration (and re-introduction) of historic shelters, and creation of new path ways to improve accessibility.