Offshore Wind
Our market sector lead has extensive experience in offshore wind initiatives, derived from engagement on approximately 25 different projects. Completed projects are delivering 4[SN1] ,340MW of renewable energy around all sectors of the UK coastline with a further 1,500MW in the pipeline.
This experience includes: Three of the Crown Estate’s Round 1 offshore sites, nearly half of the Round 2 sites, 75% of the Round 1 and 2 Extension sites, 50% of the Demonstration sites, three out of nine of the Round 3 zones and Scottish waters sites
And embraces: Feasibility and design advice, Realistic Worst-Case Scenario (RWCS) studies, Zone Appraisal and Planning (ZAP) reports, public and stakeholder consultation, Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) plans, photomontages, Seascape, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (SLVIA), provision of expert witness services at examination and hearings and post-consent amendments.