Browns Fen, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk
Coordination of a planning application for a minerals extraction near Stoke Ferry, on the edge of the Fens. The project involved extraction of sand and fensoil (oxidised peat) which was then blended to create a horticultural product.
The restoration concept, was ecologically led and involved post-extraction sequential restoration to create a series of transitional habitats including species rich dry chalk grassland tall herb fen and reedbed close to a watercourse and reinstating seminatural habitats on former arable land. the restored site will contribute to a series of linked wetland habitats along the watercourse and key to the development was ensuring the hydrological safeguard of the adjacent Boughton Fen SSSI and a wetland County Wildlife Site. Appropriate Assessment was undertaken to ascertain no impact upon internationally important wetland sites in the local area.