Protected Species Survey & Licensing

If a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) has identified that protected species may be present and potentially affected by a scheme, then more specific surveys may be required to inform a planning application.

The Landscape Partnership offer a wide range of species surveys including:

  • European protected species, including bats, great crested newts, dormice, otters etc.
  • Other protected species such as badger, water voles, rare plants
  • Birds, including breeding and wintering bird surveys and nest-checks prior to site clearance
  • Reptile and amphibians
  • Aquatic species, including white-clawed crayfish
  • Invertebrates
  • Invasive species such as Japanese knotweed

Our ecologists hold survey licences for a range of protected species, including bats, great crested newts, dormice and barn owl and we have a very high level of expertise in certain fields, including botanical survey and bat survey.

The surveys will inform mitigation design and post-planning consent Protected Species Licence applications. We have obtained mitigation licences for great crested newts, bats, dormice, badgers and water voles.

It is critical that these surveys are carried out at the correct time of year and under appropriate weather conditions. With early project involvement, we can normally deliver them within the project programme and demonstrate compliance with environmental legislation.

Featured projects:

Old Stables, Bawdsey
Hunters Yard

For more information, refer to our downloads as follows:

Protected species survey timings
Ecology Advice Note 1 (Great Crested Newt)
Ecology Advice Note 2 (Reptiles)
Ecology Advice Note 3 (Bats)
Ecology Advice Note 4 (Badger)
Ecology Advice Note 5 (Dormouse)


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