Landscape, ecological and arboricultural services to support preparation of a masterplan for the site’s phased growth on a sensitive sloping site with complex constraints including veteran and other mature parkland trees, protected species and historic landscape features. Followed by a detailed planning application for a business innovation centre, implementation of advanced infrastructure work and a design guide for the university’s research park, Knowledge Gateway.
Work under a Framework Agreement to review the green spaces within the campus and comprises an ongoing programme of landscape design, ecology and arboricultural projects includes;
detailed proposals for improvements and enhancements have including setting of new multi-deck car park, planting improvements to the historic Wivenhoe House hotel, original car parks, renewed planting to central courtyards, University logo planting display and lakeside masterplan to incorporate amphitheatre, decking and marginal planting.
Landscape design, ecological surveys, landscape and visual impact assessment and arboricultural surveys for student 643 student room residential development for all stages of the planning and design process including; initial surveys and concept design, preparation of planning application, detailed design, preparation of tender package for landscape works and overseeing of the contract implementation phase.